Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth

Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth is an agricultural university at Rahuri in Ahmednagar district of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is named after Mahatma Jyotirao Phule, an activist and social reformer of 19th century.

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The Maharashtra Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri is established on March 29, 1968 and subsequently named as Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV) after a great social reformer "Mahatma Jyotiba Phule". It has started functioning from October, 1969 at Rahuri, District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. The Campus is situated 160 km from Pune on Pune-Delhi highway in Ahmednagar district. Forty kilometer in the South is Ahmednagar town and 50 km in the North is Shirdi, famous for the saint Saibaba. Newasa, land of saint Dnyaneshwar is 33 km from Rahuri. The campus is 10 km from Rahuri Railway Station and 110 km from Manmad railway junction. Ahmednagar is a historical place and was a capital of the Nizam rulers. It is famous for co-operative sugar and dairy industries. The annual average maximum and minimum temperature ranges between 30-40°C and 10-20°C, respectively.

The basic mandate assigned to this University are advancement in teaching, research and imparting extension education to the farmers of the State. There are four Agricultural Universities in the State, catering the similar services in their locality. The jurisdiction of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri extends over Western Maharashtra covering ten districts.

The University has two faculties namely Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering. The under-graduate and post-graduate programmes are offered in both faculties. The University also deals with lower agricultural education through Agricultural Technology Schools, Mali Training Centre and Training's for Livestock Supervisors. In addition there are many affiliated colleges and Agricultural Technology Schools scattered throughout Western Maharashtra.

The University has a very good network of research stations spread over different agro-climatic zones. In all 23 research stations, 4 State level specialists and 16 research testing/verification centers are located in different agro-climatic zones in addition to 4 Zonal research stations.

Of the threefold functions, it is mandatory on the part of the University to transfer the technology from the research centers to the ultimate users through extension education programme.

College Of Agriculture, Kolhapur


Instructional Programme P G Programme Hostel Facility Scholarships Faculty Library College building NSS activity Research schemes

Location and Historical Background College Of Agriculture, Kolhapur is situated in the southern part of western Maharashatara on old pune- bagloare National Highway No.4.Geographically it is located at 74'East longitude, 60north latituade & 577 m altitude .Average rainfall is 980 mm,undulating topography & soil varying from shallow sandy loam to medium deep clay are available

The collage was established in 1963 & initially affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur. After formation of the Maharashatara Agriculture University in 1968 & subsequently,the Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidya Peeth, Rahuri 1970, the college was trasnfered as constituent college .The total area of college is 235 ha.of which 153ha are under cultivation &remaining area is under roads, buildings, playgrounds etc.

Initially,the college possessed 80ha of area at the main campus .Subsequently, an area of 155ha located at Shenda park which is 3 km from the main campus, was taken in to possession in year 1973-74. The Associate Dean is the Administrative Head and is assisted by 10 heads of section with their staff.

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Instructional Programmes : The instruction programme follows semester system of course credit. The medium of instruction is English. The first and second semesters normally start in the month of July and January respectively.

Undergraduate Programms (B.Sc. Agri.).The degree programme is of four year duration spread over 8 semesters. The evaluation is partly internal(20%) and partly external (80%). The credit requirement for the B.Sc.(Agri) degree is 160 credits, Out of which 20 credits are reserved for rural agricultural work experience (RAWE) & 9 for elective coursers . To expose the students to the rural life and farming situations, the RAWE programme of 1 semester has been introduced in the curricular of B.Sc.(Agri)degree programme. During the semester (7) the students gain farm experience by staying in the villages

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Faculty position : The College has well trained faculty consisting of one Associate Dean is the Administrative Head assisted by 10 Heads of section( Professors), 20 Associate Professors and 53 Assistant Professors or equivalent positions and 273 supporting staff . Most of the Professors have achieved distinction in their respective field of specialisation. The College has well-developed infrastructures in terms of class rooms and laboratories. It has well-developed computer facilities and connected with the Internet.